SLS Hotel and Resort Nassau The Bahamas
For the latest information about Bahama Travel, visit:
For the latest SLS Hotel Updates, visit
In preparation for our time in Nassau, we wanted to apprise you of the current COVID-19 protocols in place for our destination. The information below reflects the current status in the Bahamas, and we will keep you informed of any changes as they arise. We ask you that you review the information thoroughly, as several of the requirements need to be fulfilled in the days before travel.
Vaccinated travelers: All attendees traveling to The Bahamas from other countries who have been fully vaccinated will be required to obtain a negative COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test no more than five (5) days prior to the date of arrival to The Bahamas.
Unvaccinated travelers: All attendees traveling to the Bahamas from other countries who have not been vaccinated will be required to obtain a negative COVID-19 PCR Test no more than five (5) days prior to the date of arrival to The Bahamas.
All travelers: We will ask all travelers to confirm with us that they have taken the appropriate COVID-19 test for travel and entry into The Bahamas. Additionally, all attendees– regardless of vaccination status – will be required to obtain a Bahamian Health Visa to enter the country. (NOTE: both the COVID test and Health Visa are required to travel into The Bahamas). All travelers will be responsible for filling out the necessary paperwork for this health visa, and Eby-Brown will provide a room credit at the SLS resort to cover the cost of the health visa. To complete this task, attendees will be required to upload their vaccination batch numbers or confirm their unvaccinated status and passport number.
5 Days Prior to Departure for the Bahamas: You will receive an email from PIP requesting you confirm that you have completed all necessary testing and obtained your Bahamian Health Visa that is necessary to travel into The Bahamas.
Upon Arrival at the Airport and Throughout the Bahamas:
Currently there is a mask mandate in The Bahamas, and all attendees will be required to wear masks and social distance when in public places. this includes:
· When entering any establishment, while entering or exiting the hotel or restaurant
· When traveling in a taxi or on a bus, when standing in lines
· When entering and exiting beaches (not required on the beach)
· Before and after exercise (masks must be visible on your person during exercise)
Eby-Brown will provide the disposable masks at registration and throughout the Symposium events.
All attendees will be required to take a rapid COVID test prior to departure from The Bahamas. The rapid test will be administered to all attendees in the SLS Resort’s lower level prior to leaving the hotel. Results are sent to each of the attendee via email or text message. These results must be provided at the airport in order to be allowed to depart the country.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information we have provided for your Symposium experience, please do not hesitate to contact Together, we can make it a safe, enjoyable and rewarding Symposium for everyone!